View 2024 Online Workshops
Access is exclusive to members of NBSI.

Here you'll find access to all of the online workshops being offered as part of your NBSI membership. Listed below are the following online workshops. For your convenience if you are looking for a particular instructor, we've listed them here. You can also use the search feature to the top left to search for content. 

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see more listings. 

April | The Audience(s) of John's Gospel: An Observation of Scholars Seminar at Work with Cliff Barbarick

Learn eye-opening and entertaining information about the essential relationships between early Christian audiences and the writers of the New Testament letters.

Cliff is a university professor, NBSI Certified biblical storyteller, and the convener of the NBSI Scholars' Seminar, you'll find his presentation both knowledgeable and enjoyable.


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March | Tending to the Light with Rasheeda J. Hastings

Carrying the stories of the Bible into the world is a unique calling.

How does the Divine speak as you hold these stories in your heart, despite the many challenges in life? Does your light continue to shine? This event encouraged us to step away for a time of meditation, reflection, and compassionate listening.

Rasheeda is a spiritual director who resides in Philadelphia. She currently serves as a Community Relations Liaison at Cranaleith Spiritual Center, offers one-on-one spiritual direction, meditations, and enjoys participating in workshops and retreats.

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February | Preparing to Hear and Tell John for the Epic Telling 2024 with Phil Ruge-Jones

NBSI Seminar members guide attendees through addressing the challenges that arise in telling passages of the Gospel of John. Watch three tellings of Jesus' confrontation in the Temple in John 2 (bonus: this is prep for an upcoming RCL text), followed by tellings of three other passages from this gospel.

This session is facilitated by Phil Ruge-Jones, the former coordinator of the NBSI Seminar, a group related to NBSI of professional-level storytellers and biblical scholars from academic settings who for many years have been celebrating the insights that occur when they explore stories together. Tellers include Sarah Agnew, Jason Chesnut, Tim Coombs, Nathan Esala, and Pam Faro.


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January | Words Matter: Translations and the Effect on Storytelling with Mark Hoffman

Biblical storytelling is about internalizing the text and learning the story by heart. It's never simply about memorizing words and repeating them. The impact of the words is affected by the tone, emphasis, and gestures with which they are spoken. Still, the words we use do matter.

In this session:

  • We will examine various translations and consider the effects of the wording and phrasing they use.

  • We will also learn ways to evaluate translations as part of one's preparation for biblical storytelling

Mark Vitalis Hoffman has been a Professor of Biblical Studies at United Lutheran Seminary since 2002. Prior to that, he was a parish pastor for 14 years. Mark regularly teaches classes on biblical storytelling and is working on translation and performance of biblical texts.

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Previous Months
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