Call for Annual Conference Workshop Proposals
Do you have a passion for teaching, and ideas to add to our mission?
Do you have the skills and interest to host a workshop for the 2025 Annual Conference?
If so, submit your proposal today!
The deadline for submissions is Feb. 28.
2025 Festival Gathering Theme:
Searching for Peace in Troubling Times
Theme Stories:
Day 1 Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10
Day 2 Workers in the Vineyard Matthew 20:1-16
Day 3 Philippians 2:1-11
More About the Workshops:
Workshops at our Annual Conference are often the main draw, and subsequent takeaway, for attendees so we strive to offer the best experiences possible. To that end, priority will be given to workshops that are intentionally participatory and experiential, that offer a variety of teaching methods that address the multiple intelligences and learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) represented by workshop participants.
We're calling for workshop proposals that meet some of the following criteria:
Inspire others to learn and tell biblical stories
Give hope to care-worn pastors
Encourage beginner storytellers
Challenge experienced storytellers to go deeper
Pray the sacred stories of the Christian tradition
Use drama techniques to help others learn
Use biblical storytelling to enhance worship
Assist Chaplains who work in prisons, hospitals, or schools
Offer creative ideas for children, young people, or young adults
Break open Scripture
We encourage a wide range of workshop topics, but we are looking for some connection to biblical stories and storytelling. Even if your workshop participants won’t be learning a story to tell, it can still be advantageous for them to hear a story, including video recordings.
If you have questions, contact Kathy Culmer at