Elijah and Elisha Stories
2025 Epic Telling
Join your voice with those of multiple storytellers in a grand, sequential group performance of the Elijah and Elisha stories from 1-2 Kings. It’ll be epic!
Bidding to participate in the Epic Telling will open Saturday, March 1st. On the bidding form, you will be asked to choose your top three passages; so, start looking through the options now to be ready to bid February 15th.
Who can participate?
Anyone who is registered for the Festival Gathering is welcome to bid on the texts. So make sure you register before placing your bid!
Please give your top 3 choices, as many people often want the same texts.
Storytellers are chosen by a first-come, first-served bidding process.
I've never told before, is that okay?
Absolutely! If you receive a winning bid, please learn your part well and practice, practice, practice!
The Epic should be a seamless performance that moves in a timely fashion.
Check out the Introduction to Biblical Storytelling video on our YouTube Channel.
Will there be a rehearsal for the tellers?
Yes, Epic Tellers are required to attend a brief rehearsal at the Festival Gathering on Thursday afternoon.
Who can come and listen?
The Epic Telling is open to the public. We encourage you to invite your guests to the Epic Telling performance.
How many people are in attendance?
It varies from year to year but the number is likely to be 100-150.