About the Scholars Seminar

A crucial dimension of NBSI’s work is the Scholars Seminar, a dynamic community of storytelling scholars and scholarly storytellers.

Many Seminar members are professors at seminaries and colleges around the United States; others are full-time professional storytellers and clergy who use storytelling as a central dimension of their ministry. Our collaborative research draws on various areas of expertise to explore scripture, and our shared work has produced several leaders in the field of biblical performance criticism.

The Work of the Scholars Seminar

The Scholars Seminar meets annually for a few days immediately before the Annual Conference and several times throughout the year via Zoom. Typically, our meetings involve engagement with current projects that the seminar members are pursuing in their own vocations. We have often dedicated whole days to exploring particular biblical texts through repeated performances and reflection.

The Scholars Seminar supports the Network in several significant ways.

Seminar members:

  • Offer regular “Scholarly Musings” published exclusively for NBSI members.

  • Lead workshops both online and at the Annual Conference.

  • Write articles for our newsletters.

The Scholars Seminar:

  • Invites NBSI members to join their annual meeting as a Storyteller in Residence (SIR) or Observer (see more about these programs below).

  • Consults with the NBSI Program Chair to determine the Annual Conference theme, theme stories, and keynote speaker.

  • Helps select the epic telling for the Annual Conference, creates the divisions for the epic telling, and provides materials to support those participating in the epic telling.

Storyteller In
Residence Program

Participate in the Seminar for a summer

The Storyteller in Residence (SIR) program is an opportunity for you to actively participate in the NBSI Seminar for one summer.

The SIR(s) will be chosen by the Seminar based on the connection between the storyteller’s skills, experience, and expertise and the specific needs of the Seminar for a given summer.

SIRs cover their own costs and offer their skills as needed by the Seminar.

All participants in the Seminar are asked to pay a $160 Seminar registration fee which covers the costs of meeting space and meals.

Applications open at the end of March.

Become an Observer of the Scholars Seminar

Observe the Seminar before the Annual Conference

Join the Scholars Seminar for a Day

The Seminar welcomes selected NBSI members to observe Seminar sessions on the day before the Annual Conference.

Observers will be asked to make a donation to cover their costs of attending the seminar for the one day.

Applications will open at the end of March, and there are only 10 spaces available.

Scholars Seminar Gatherings

Contact Cliff Barbarick

The Seminar is currently convened by Cliff Barbarick, a New Testament professor who practices biblical performance criticism in his research and teaching. If you would like to learn more about the Seminar or inquire about joining one of our upcoming gatherings, please submit the form on the left.