Advancing the Mission Grant

Advancing the Mission Fund

Thanks to generous gifts from supporters, NBSI maintains investments that yield interest each year. In order to honor our donors, the NBSI Board has decided to establish the “Advancing the Mission Fund” and use this interest to support member-led efforts to “encourage everyone to learn and tell biblical stories.” These efforts might range from requesting scholarships for the annual conference to planning and executing international biblical storytelling workshops. Our hope is that the Fund empowers the creativity and energy of our talented membership.

Keep reading for more information on the application process.

Application Process

Eligibility to Apply for Funding

To be eligible to apply for an Advancing the Mission Grant:

  • Applicants must be active NBSI members. Members can apply as individuals or as part of a team. In the case of team applications, at least one team member must be an active NBSI member. 

  • Applicants must submit an application by the deadlines listed below

  • Grant awardees must be willing to attend the NBSI annual conference to report on their project. (Those who cannot attend the conference in person will be expected to submit a video report on their project.) 

Grant Application Process

Applications will be submitted to the Grant Review Committee using the online form. Applicants should be prepared to provide: 

  • A description of their project and how the grant funds would be used. 

  • An explanation of how the project will advance the NBSI mission to encourage everyone to learn and tell biblical stories. 

  • An estimate of the ongoing impact of the project. 

  • A list of challenges and obstacles to completing the project. 

  • A project budget including the total amount requested from the Fund. 

  • A description of other sources of funding available to support the project. 

Important Grant Dates

Grants will be awarded twice a year on the following schedule: 

  • Applications submitted by the DECEMBER 1 deadline will be reviewed by the Grant Review Committee prior to the NBSI Board retreat in January. The Committee will present grant award recommendations at the retreat and notify applicants of their decision by January 15. 

  • Applications submitted by the MAY 1 deadline will be reviewed by the Grant Review Committee prior to the NBSI Board meeting in June. The Committee will present grant award recommendations at the June meeting and notify applicants of their decision by June 15. 

After grant notifications, awardees will work with the NBSI Office to make arrangements for the disbursement of the grant funds. 

Criteria for Awarding Funds

If the Grant Review Committee receives more applications from eligible NBSI members than can be funded in a given cycle, they will use the following criteria to select which projects to fund: 

  • The committee will consider: 

    • The quality of the application

    • The project’s immediate and lasting impact on the NBSI mission

    • The project’s scope of influence (how many people it will impact)

    • The applicant’s need for funding

  • Preference will be given to applicants who have not received an Advancing the Mission Grant within the previous two years. 

  • Preference will be given to projects that support the NBSI mission outside of the United States.

  • Preference will be given to funds requested by or supporting young adults (20–40 years old).  

  • The committee aims to distribute Grant Funds across the widest variety of projects. Be creative and dream big!