
Biblical Storytelling in India

Dr. Sandhya Ruban leads NBS India, which launched in January 2020 with a dozen biblical storytelling events in and near Chennai, on the nation's southwestern coast. Nine enthusiastic NBSI team members participate on Dr. Ruban’s team. ​Below is a report from our dedicated team that gives you an idea of how our mission to learn and tell biblical stories is coming to life.

Biblical Storytelling in Indonesia

In January 2020, Janice Kim participated in workshops and taught biblical storytelling with Iva Xavier at a seminary in Bandung, Indonesia.

Janice held a seminar and a workshop at the same seminary and two local churches in August 2024.

Biblical Storytelling in Korea

Partners from a wonderful biblical storytelling organization in Korea have close ties to NBSI.

Sun Young (Janice) Kim, a participant in the Academy for Biblical Storytelling, has translated Rev. Dr. Tom Boomershine's Story Journey into Korean and led three teams to the NBSI Festival Gathering. Rev. Yon Soo Kim also leads a Korean biblical storytelling organization with an extensive curriculum.

Biblical Storytelling in Australia

It's a long way from Australia to the U.S. Still, NBSI member Carole Danby, based in Brisbane, has regularly attended Festival Gatherings. She participated in missions to India and the Philippines and traveled to Israel, visiting the many sites of interest to Christians led by Tracy Radosevic. Thanks to internet technology in 2017, she and Beth Galbreath pioneered the first-ever Trans-Pacific workshop at the Festival Gathering! Her passion is biblical storytelling with children, and she regularly presents workshops at Festival Gatherings. In 2023, Carole accepted an invitation to serve on the Board of NBSI and assumed the role of Program Chair. Both the Festival Gathering and Online Webinars fall under Programs.

Gillian Powis, also a regular attendee at Festival Gatherings, has presented workshops, completed the Academy for Biblical Storytelling courses with Tracy Radosevic, and is currently undertaking biblical studies for a Master’s degree.

Sarah Agnew, a poet and ordained minister, has been a keynote speaker for the Festival Gathering (during the COVID years). She continues to be a valuable member of the Scholars’ Seminar, sharing her expertise in Hebrew studies.

Since our country is big and some people are retiring, the Network of Biblical Storytellers Australia keeps on learning and telling biblical stories here and going to the yearly Festival Gathering in the US.



